Doctoral degree graduation ceremony. Photo: Toms Grīnbergs, UL Communication Department.

In late September, the University of Latvia (UL) celebrated its 105th anniversary, offering various events throughout the week – from UL Community Garden cleanup to the academic ball, more than 10 educational, celebratory and entertaining events have delighted all those who marked this significant anniversary.

Heralding the week of the UL’s 105th anniversary, on 21 September, during the UN World Cleanup Day, the first shared work event to establish the UL Community Garden took place, bringing together like-minded people who wanted to create a special recreation area in UL territory. In the first event dedicated to the UL Community Garden, UL students, employees, teaching staff, friends and families gathered to dig, plant and engage in other shared work. During the event, the enthusiasts supporting the idea of the future garden planted four shrubbery beds. 

At the beginning of the anniversary week, an exhibition of historical materials related to the events of 1919 “In the same year with UL” was opened in the UL main building at Raiņa bulvāris 19. The opening event marked the prominence of the University’s history. With the presence of UL Rector Gundars Bērziņš, the director of the UL Museum Iveta Gudakovska, as well as the author of the exhibition idea Madara Smeltere-Molla and the artist Mariia Zeņkova, the opening event particularly emphasized the significance of the history and cultural heritage of UL in today’s education and science. 

On Wednesday, 25 September, the ceremonial opening of the UL Doctoral School was held, marking the beginning of a new era in the development of Latvian science and research, which is to give doctoral students a modern and supportive environment for higher-level academic studies. Also, on this day, at the event hosted by the UL Botanical Garden the harvest of the jubilee season was celebrated together with UL patrons. It was a tribute to the patrons of the UL Foundation and the initiatives they supported, honouring the achievements of the foundation’s scholarship holders and researchers, as well as celebrating the splendid projects nurtured under the auspices of the UL Foundation. 

A day later, on 26 September, on the stage of the UL Academic Centre’s House of Nature, the contribution of Latvian scientists to nuclear energy research was celebrated with the lecture “Taming the energy of the future” and the presentation of the Energy coin issued by the Bank of Latvia. Almost at the same time, the graduation of the medical residency programme took place in the UL Great Hall, where 76 UL medical residency graduates were solemnly welcomed. Also on this day, in cooperation with, the exhibition entailing the meeting of nature and art “Find The Plant Within You. An Etude for Nature and Emotions” was opened at the UL Botanical Garden. 

27 September 27 began with an ecumenical service, after which the UL governance laid flowers at the Freedom Monument. Moments later, the solemn session of UL Senate began in the UL Great Hall, and the UL Gold Medal of Honour was awarded to the earlier UL Rector Indriķis Muižnieks, honorary doctors of UL, professors emeriti, tenured professors were honoured, and new doctoral degree recipients greeted at their graduation ceremony. The day closed with an exciting journey through the labyrinths of science at the European Researchers’ Night. The event turned the UL Academic Centre into a true epicentre of discovery, gathering thousands of curious minds. Experiments, technology demonstrations and inspiring master classes took place at more than 70 research stations in Riga and elsewhere in the country, providing every visitor with the opportunity to get to know science a little closer. 

Concluding the UL anniversary week, on Saturday, 28 September, everyone had the opportunity to enjoy a sporting atmosphere – at the opening game of UL basketball, opening the 15th season of the UL basketball team. The closing event of the anniversary week was the Academic Ball, where, entertained by various shows and musicians, the UL community celebrated the birthday of its Alma Mater! 

We invite everyone to dream big and extend the greetings on the UL anniversary! 
