Jeffrey Sommers, Professor of Political Economy & Public Policy and Senior Fellow, Institute of World Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Doctoral School “European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies” in cooperation with University of Latvia Faculty of Business, Management and Economics Master Program “European Studies”, kindly invites you to a guest-lecture “’Against the Center’: the Rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders" by Jeffrey Sommers. The guest-lecture will take place on September 29, 2017, University of Latvia Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, Aspazijas Boulevard 5, room 514 at 18.15.

Jeffrey Sommers is Professor of Political Economy & Public Policy and Senior Fellow, Institute of World Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is also Visiting Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga. In addition to his academic work, he has published in the New York Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, The Nation and several other notable global outlets. During the guest-lecture Professor Jeffrey Sommers will give and overview of how United States remarkable political stability have changed during the last president elections. The guest-lectures will be held in English followed by Q&A session and discussion. The guest-lecture is organized by the “European Studies” Master Program of the University of Latvia and doctoral school “European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies” (EIBSRS) and the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics.  About the Doctoral School “European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies” (EIBSRS) The Doctoral School is an institution within University of Latvia launched to support young scholars during their research training. The School carries out activities related to the international dimension of the doctoral degree and enhances the degree’s competitiveness in the job market, which would in turn enhance the graduates’ personal and professional career.  Special attention is given to the integration among the Baltic States within the EU, as well as regional cooperation and development around the Baltic Sea. More information: About the European Studies Master Programme The inter-disciplinary academic master degree programme European Studies offers students to study European economic, political and legal matters, to acquire a deeper knowledge of European integration process and to analyse EU functional principles, procedures and major policies beyond disciplinary boundaries. It allows specialisation in EU law, trade, energy issues, migration, regional and social dimensions and external relations. The programme provides studies in international environment of wide linguistic and cultural diversity. High-level national and international academics and EU practitioners with extensive experience in the relevant areas from Latvia, the EU institutions, partner universities in Europe and overseas comprise the teaching staff of the programme. More information: About the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics FBME is the largest faculty at the University of Latvia with more than 2000 students. In the academic year 2017/2018 - 677 new students have enrolled. Faculty offers higher education based on nowadays-practical situations; students not only receive academic knowledge but also can start their business ideas in Business Incubator of the University of Latvia already starting from the first study year. Here (Business Incubator of the University of Latvia) all students receive free of charge consultations as well as support from mentors, field professionals and experienced entrepreneurs. During the study process, the faculty also organizes guest lectures with different field professionals, visits to enterprises, internships and other forms of cooperation with local and international companies. More information:
