From 01.08.2015 till 30.09.2016 the Faculty of Economics and management in cooperation with University of Agder is implementing project “Scholarships” within EEA/Norway grants program. Overall aim of the project is to establish, develop and strengthen educational co-operation in the economics and management area between the University of Latvia and the University of Agder.

Project is almost finished with expected results. Within the project three guest lecturers (prof. Trond Randøy, asoc. prof. Rotem Shneor un Dr. Pontus Engstrom) from the University of Agder came to Riga and provided lectures to students of the Faculty of Economics and management.   From the Faculty of Economics and management also three members of the teaching staff went to Norway. One student (Elina Sadauska) from the Faculty of economics and management participated in study mobility.

Thanks to this project the UL FEM has developed and strengthened cooperation with the University of Agder. A new project has been prepared and it already has received accept from Nordplus program.  The overall goal of the new project is to establish, develop and strengthen educational co-operation in the corporate and international finance area in the Nordic-Baltic higher educational region, by giving students a strong background and provide them with a world-class head start. Also PhD student (Alina Dibrova) received invitation from the University of Agder in august 2016 to carry out research for her dissertation

 The project is co-financed by the EEA and Norway Grants.
