To receive additional information on study programmmes offer in Spring Intake 2017 of the FBME, we invite prospective applicants on meeting with study program directors on 13th December at 18.00 Aspazijas Blvd.5 Room 225.

“Study programme choice is very serious decision, this is why we organize information meeting with study programmes directors, where all prospective applicants can receive information on study programmes, specific requirements and all other questions regarding study process at the Faculty of Business, management and economics. Acquired information can help to make right choice for future career and successful professional life”, emphasize Vice Dean of the FBME prof. Margarita Dunska During meeting prospective applicants will have possibility to ask questions to Prof. Baiba Šavriņa – International Business with specialization in Export Management study programme director and Prof. Tatjana Muravska - European Studies study programme director. Further information
