Mr. Amron during lecture revealed: "When I told others about my ideas, no one ever told me - it is a wonderful idea, you will earn millions! 98% of submitted patents are not profitable, only 2% makes money, but if your invention is in these 2 %, you will most likely earn millions."
Author of sticky notes “Post-it Notes” introduced with 8 steps of how from invention get to profit, and repeatedly stressed importance of patenting inventions, so that none could arrogate your ideas. Mr. Amron admits, that this advice would help him a lot in youth to protect his invention and earn millions.
At the same time American inventor talked about cooperation with the boxer Muhammad Ali, the legendary singer Frank Sinatra and the newly elected US President Donald Trump. He also revealed how the idea to ask every citizen of the globe to send him a dollar to reunite “The Beatles” for one concert.
Mr. Amron has created and patented 40 inventions, including "Photo Wallet" and "Video Page" that shows not only JPG and MPG files, but also for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word files before Apple did it. Also, the battery-powered water guns, which the world knows as the "Storm water guns" and many other water toys. Mr. Amron currently is working on a "First Down Laser Systems' project that helps players and re