From 23 to 28 September, the University of Latvia (UL) will celebrate its 105th birthday with a special programme of anniversary events. “Dream big!” – thus, the University encourages everyone, inviting students, employees, graduates, cooperation partners and the wider public to participate in educational, festive and entertaining events throughout the week.

“Everything begins with a thought, a dream. Just like the state of Latvia, the University of Latvia was once a dream that we believed in. Dream big, so that your tomorrow is greater than today!” The inspiring motto of the celebration is explained by the Rector of the University of Latvia, Professor Gundars Bērziņš. 

On Monday, 23 September, the week of the 105th anniversary of UL will be inaugurated by a special exhibition “A Year with UL” at the UL Museum in the main building of the University in Riga, Raiņa bulvāris 19. The UL Museum has selected 15 objects of its collections that are “peers” of UL – photographs, special objects and other historical evidence. 

This year, a new, unified Doctoral School has been established at the University. Wednesday, 25 September will mark the ceremonial opening of the Doctoral School premises and the hall “Sapere aude” will take place in Kalpaka bulvāris 4, Riga, while in the afternoon, the UL Foundation will host the Patrons’ Reception at the LU Botanical Garden to honour UL patrons and supporters. 

On Thursday, 26 September 26 at 14:00, an event dedicated to nuclear energy will be held in the atrium of the House of Nature, during which a special coin released by the Bank of Latvia and dedicated to nuclear fusion science will be displayed. Along with science celebration, at 15:00 in the UL Great Hall, the graduation of the UL residents in medicine will offer the occasion to congratulate the new doctors. 

On Friday, 27 September, at 10:00 an ecumenical service will be held in the UL Small Hall, to be followed by the laying of flowers at the Freedom Monument, honouring the historical values of Latvia and the University. At 12:00, the solemn meeting of the UL Senate and the doctoral degree ceremony will take place in the UL Great Hall, congratulating the doctoral programme graduates. On the same day, from 17:00 European Researchers' Night will take place at the UL Academic Centre and elsewhere in the scientific institutes, departments and repositories of UL, where the people of all ages will be welcomed and invited to participate in exciting, science-related activities until late evening, 21:00. 

The first game of the UL basketball team's season will be played on Saturday, 28 September, while in the evening, in honour of the University’s anniversary, there will be a special celebration – at 19:00, UL students, graduates and employees will be immersed in the rhythms of music – the traditional UL Academic Ball will be a grand conclusion of the University’s jubilee week. 

From 26 to 29 September, the UL Botanical Garden of LU will host the exhibition “MEET THE PLANT WITHIN. A study nature and emotions”/“SATIKT AUGU SEVĪ. Etīde dabai un emocijām”. The event honours the 180th anniversary of Kristaps Morbergs, a great benefactor of UL. 

The University of Latvia invites everyone to join the celebration and mark the 105th anniversary of the University of Latvia together! 
